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Keywords :

Album Title Alt. Duration Compo/Artist Description Keywords Key BPM
CEZ4154 Soulbound Crypt
[CEZ4154 - 13]
0 4'08 Morgan Sansous Loud & imposing. Trash/death metal. Disturbing break @ 0'56 & ... death metal action game extreme & fighting sport action movie ... Gbm 140
CEZ4154 Sword and Shield
[CEZ4154 - 14]
0 2'49 Morgan Sansous Massive & volunteer. Trash/death metal. Rock band. death metal noisy heavy powerful & imposing ... Bm 110
CEZ4154 Machine Gun Toy
[CEZ4154 - 15]
0 4'09 Morgan Sansous Massive & epic. Trash/death metal. Break @ 1'25. Final with climax. ... trash (texture) noisy changing epic metal ... Bm 110
CEZ4154 Parallel World
[CEZ4154 - 16]
0 3'52 Morgan Sansous Solid & anthemic rock. Trash/death metal. Guitar horus @ 1'28. Rock ... noisy epic metal powerful & imposing extreme & fighting sport ... Bm 110
CEZ4154 Down in the Maelstrom
[CEZ4154 - 17]
0 2'47 Morgan Sansous Solid & driving riff. Trash/death metal. Final with chorus chorus & ... death metal trash (texture) noisy double bass drum pedal ... Gm 140
CEZ4166 Party Time
[CEZ4166 - 8]
0 1'58 Grand David extroverted & catchy. Vocal hook, tubular bells, sitar & rythmique. opening credits kitsch & cheesy retro variety show 1960 ... Gbm 106
EOS12 Play the Game
[EOS12 - 1]
4 1'00 David Poirier Catchy & triumphant. Electronics, vocoder & rhythm. fx vocoder team sport synthesizer triumphant ... Gm 135
EOS12 Play the Game 2
[EOS12 - 6]
0 0'14 David Poirier Link. Lively. Electronics, vocoder & rhythm. link catchy handclap steady ... Gm 135
EOS12 Play the Game 3
[EOS12 - 7]
0 0'16 David Poirier Link. Triumphant. Electronics, vocoder & rhythm. link catchy handclap steady ... Gm 135
EOS12 Play the Game 4
[EOS12 - 8]
0 0'16 David Poirier Link. Progression. Electronics & rhythm. link handclap lively instrumental ... Gm 135
EOS12 Play the Game 5
[EOS12 - 9]
0 0'17 David Poirier Link. Suspended. Electronics, vocoder & rhythm. link suspended atmosphere festive fx vocoder ... Gm 135
CEZ4148 Ghost Dance
[CEZ4148 - 9]
2 3'54 Jean Schwarz Disturbing & urgent. Regular crescendo. Drums, bongo & electronics. percussive chase inexorable unstable ... Em 172
CEZ4148 Ghost Dance 2
[CEZ4148 - 23]
0 1'18 Jean Schwarz Vibrant & disturbing. Drums, bongos & electronics. vibrating muffled sequencing electroacoustic music ... Dbm 77
CEZ4148 Ghost Dance 3
[CEZ4148 - 24]
0 1'39 Jean Schwarz Urgent & frantic. Drums, bongos & electronics. bongo chase urgent chaotic ... Em 163
EOS07 Critical Point 4
[EOS07 - 14]
1 0'34 David Poirier Loop. Determined. Snare, electronic percussions & electronics. breaking news snare loop percussive ... Gm 115
EOS07 Critical Point
[EOS07 - 2]
0 1'15 David Poirier Triumphant & nervous. Strings, electronics, electric guitar & ... breaking news beds relentless strict ... Am 115
UBM2208 Neutral Groove
[UBM2208 - 2]
0 1'42 Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener Friendly and open-minded yet neutral theme. Piano and gentle drums. calm simple beds drums ... Bbm 84
UBM2208 Neutral Flow
[UBM2208 - 9]
0 1'46 Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener Cool-headed, poppy tune. Continuously floating, open and evoking ... electric keyboard time-lapse beds atmospheric ... Db 128
UBM2194 Behabig
[UBM2194 - 20]
0 0'58 Felix Halbe Lumbering, slowly moving with curiosity and wit. Jazzy, ... funny animals bassoon police comedy intermittent ... Bm 70
CEZ4137 Hit the Road Georges
[CEZ4137 - 9]
0 1'06 Alain Bernard Denis Parodic & bouncy. Brass, pizz, vibraphone & rhythm. French retro comedy police comedy France funny ... Cm 85
CEZ4136 Good Day Ma'am
[CEZ4136 - 10]
0 2'14 Alain Bernard Denis Carefree & naive. Pizz, glockennspiel, xylophone, oboe, bassoon & ... carefree animation & cartoons do-it-yourself romantic comedy ... Ab 88
CEZ4136 The Stolen Carrot
[CEZ4136 - 18]
0 1'24 Baptiste Thiry Cheerful pursuit. Small instrumental ensemble with harpsichord. animation & cartoons funny scary funny funny animals ... Gm 162
CEZ4136 Fritto Misto
[CEZ4136 - 19]
0 2'02 Julien Vega Joyful but nostalgic. Guitar, accordion, piano & rhythm. French retro comedy romantic comedy open air Corsica ... Dm 126
CEZ4139 Hit and Run
[CEZ4139 - 1]
4 2'54 Mark Alberts Powerful & resolute. Electric guitar, saturated bass, electronics, ... riff extreme & fighting sport powerful & imposing rock (all) ... Em 107
CEZ4139 Hit and Run 2
[CEZ4139 - 16]
0 2'33 Mark Alberts Powerful & resolute. Electric guitar, saturated bass, electronics, ... fuzz bass drums cinematic lively ... Em 107
CEZ4139 Hit and Run 3
[CEZ4139 - 17]
0 0'07 Mark Alberts Sting. Resolute. Electric guitar, saturated bass & strings. sting fuzz bass driving suspended atmosphere ... E 140
CEZ4139 Hit and Run 4
[CEZ4139 - 18]
0 0'12 Mark Alberts Sting. Resolute. Electric guitar & cymbals. sting cymbal driving distorted electric guitar ... Em 109
CEZ4139 Hit and Run 5
[CEZ4139 - 19]
0 0'13 Mark Alberts Link. Quiet & patient. Guitar appeggio & strings. link driving electric guitar instrumental ... E 148
CEZ4129 The Brave and the Wise 4
[CEZ4129 - 29]
1 0'03 Baptiste Thiry Link. Deep & heavy. Synth. hang drum action movie strict crime movie ... E 76
CEZ4129 The Brave and the Wise
[CEZ4129 - 7]
0 2'12 Baptiste Thiry Sweet & melancholy. Keyboard, electronics & electronic percussion. social drama crescendo cinematic fiery ... Em 75
UBM2119 Happy Electron
[UBM2119 - 1]
0 1'49 Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener Light computer groove, computer fx, happy theme. robotic electro industrial electronic percussion beds ... C 124
UBM2119 Analog Groove
[UBM2119 - 3]
0 2'24 Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener Science to chill out ? Yes! chill-out music relaxed sting atmospheric ... Gm 85
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