Building Dreams [CEZ4339 - 1]
0 |
2'21 |
Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand
Confident & unifying. Uplifting @ 0'54. Piano, string orchestra & ...
Confident & unifying. Uplifting @ 0'54. Piano, string orchestra & sequencing.
industry unifying confident advertising
industry,unifying,confident,advertising,airy,arts & crafts,corporate (all),cybernetics,uplifting,crescendo,panoramic,politics,sequencing,solemn,string section,staccato,whirling,cinematic percussion,acoustic piano,glockenspiel,electric guitar,arpeggio,instrumental,fast,main version
G |
113 |
Composer(s) :
Gabriel Saban - Philippe Briand
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Hope on the Horizon [CEZ4339 - 2]
0 |
2'09 |
Baptiste Thiry
Atmospheric, cold & cyclic. Synth, sound design & string section. |
cybernetics uplifting industry arpeggio
cybernetics,uplifting,industry,arpeggio,cyclic,unifying,airy,panorama,driving,panoramic,moving,atmospheric,space,muffled,advertising,synthesizer,triumphant,arts & crafts,cold,introduction,sequencing,sci-fi,corporate (all),instrumental,fast,main version
Fm |
98 |
Title :
Hope on the Horizon
Composer(s) :
Baptiste Thiry
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Permanent Renewal [CEZ4339 - 3]
0 |
2'08 |
Eric Lohrer
Cyclic, powerful & organic. Synth & rhythm @ 0'29. |
industry extreme & fighting sport powerful & imposing cyclic
industry,extreme & fighting sport,powerful & imposing,cyclic,synthesizer,catchy,cybernetics,electro organic,punctuated,driving,unifying,masculine,mechanical,percussive,rhythmic,jerky,proud,electric guitar,corporate (all),heavy,electronic percussion,rumbling,instrumental,medium,rhythm section,main version
Em |
82 |
Title :
Permanent Renewal
Composer(s) :
Eric Lohrer
Arrangement :
Baptiste Thiry
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Yesterday's Successes [CEZ4339 - 4]
0 |
2'22 |
Jérémy Dirat
Neo-classical music. Elegant & confident. Piano, string section & ...
Neo-classical music. Elegant & confident. Piano, string section & sequencing. Constant crescendo & progression. Final solo piano @ 2'22.
arts & crafts unifying neo-classical music acoustic piano
arts & crafts,unifying,neo-classical music,acoustic piano,advertising,rhythm change,crescendo,flight,uplifting,feminine,melancholic,string orchestra,patient,tender,airy,classy,final,panoramic,building,whirling,cyclic,delicate,staccato,country & garden,instrumental,slow,very fast,main version
F |
61 |
Title :
Yesterday's Successes
Composer(s) :
Jérémy Dirat
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Seeing the Light [CEZ4339 - 5]
0 |
1'50 |
Thierry Caroubi
Neo-classical music. Dreamy but determined. Uplifting @ 0'41. ...
Neo-classical music. Dreamy but determined. Uplifting @ 0'41. Sequencing, string section, flute & glockenspiel. Constant progression.
arts & crafts uplifting unifying industry
arts & crafts,uplifting,unifying,industry,neo-classical music,politics,building,cyclic,moving,symphony orchestra,airy,rising,celesta,crescendo,sentimental,whirling,delicate,melancholic,final,instrumental,tempo slowing down,fast,main version
Am |
120 |
Composer(s) :
Thierry Caroubi
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
The Morphing Effect [CEZ4339 - 6]
0 |
2'08 |
Baptiste Thiry
Progressive, powerful & atmospheric. Synth & rhythm @ 0'35. |
driving industry cybernetics sequencing
driving,industry,cybernetics,sequencing,powerful & imposing,cyclic,relentless,electro organic,strict,crescendo,masculine,percussive,building,arpeggio,sci-fi,time-lapse,rising,inexorable,synthesizer,tracking shot,punctuated,extreme & fighting sport,politics,instrumental,medium,electronic percussion,rhythm section,main version
Dm |
163 |
Title :
The Morphing Effect
Composer(s) :
Baptiste Thiry
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Future Metropolis [CEZ4339 - 7]
0 |
2'11 |
Lucas Napoleone
Serious & determined. Sequencing, symphonic orchestra @ 1'32. ...
Serious & determined. Sequencing, symphonic orchestra @ 1'32. Constant progression.
unifying driving industry politics
unifying,driving,industry,politics,building,strict,triumphant,punctuated,corporate (all),uplifting,symphony orchestra,staccato,neo-classical music,arts & crafts,sequencing,team sport,beds,scansion,synthesizer,instrumental,medium,acoustic piano,main version
Fm |
115 |
Title :
Future Metropolis
Composer(s) :
Lucas Napoleone
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Mind and Body [CEZ4339 - 8]
0 |
2'41 |
Julien Vega
Neo-classical music. Confident & peaceful. Piano, string section & ...
Neo-classical music. Confident & peaceful. Piano, string section & sequencing. Constant progression.
arts & crafts confident moving corporate (all)
arts & crafts,confident,moving,corporate (all),industry,panoramic,patient,acoustic piano,dreamy,rising,country & garden,feminine,politics,building,string section,neo-classical music,sequencing,staccato,refined,acoustic,electric guitar,instrumental,medium,main version
C |
140 |
Composer(s) :
Julien Vega
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Changing the Future [CEZ4339 - 9]
0 |
2'24 |
Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand
Atmospheric, suspended atmosphere & determined. Synth, sound design & ...
Atmospheric, suspended atmosphere & determined. Synth, sound design & rhythm. Constant progression.
corporate (all) unifying industry crescendo
corporate (all),unifying,industry,crescendo,cybernetics,driving,politics,building,uplifting,sequencing,strict,final,atmospheric,synthesizer,electric guitar,string section,punctuated,glockenspiel,instrumental,medium,electric piano,main version
F |
140 |
Title :
Changing the Future
Composer(s) :
Gabriel Saban - Philippe Briand
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Equal Commitment [CEZ4339 - 10]
0 |
2'10 |
Baptiste Thiry
Peaceful & confident. Urgent @ 0'40, determined & uplifting. Piano, ...
Peaceful & confident. Urgent @ 0'40, determined & uplifting. Piano, acoustic guitar & sequencing. String section @ 0'40. Constant progression.
industry arts & crafts melancholic panorama
industry,arts & crafts,melancholic,panorama,panoramic,science,string section,driving,uplifting,acoustic guitar,relentless,building,strict,cyclic,acoustic piano,corporate (all),sequencing,punctuated,atmospheric,instrumental,medium,fast,urgent,main version
Dm |
113 |
Composer(s) :
Baptiste Thiry
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
For the Common Good [CEZ4339 - 11]
0 |
2'19 |
Gregory Cotti
Neo-classical music. Urgent & uplifting. Symphonic orchestra & ...
Neo-classical music. Urgent & uplifting. Symphonic orchestra & sequencing.
politics unifying neo-classical music panoramic
politics,unifying,neo-classical music,panoramic,driving,industry,airy,confident,corporate (all),cyclic,majestic,symphony orchestra,building,atmospheric,acoustic piano,strict,relentless,timpani,tracking shot,sequencing,instrumental,fast,main version
G |
156 |
Title :
For the Common Good
Composer(s) :
Gregory Cotti
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
A Breath of Fresh Air [CEZ4339 - 12]
0 |
1'56 |
Lucas Napoleone
Confident, unifying & suspended atmosphere. Synth, sound design & ...
Confident, unifying & suspended atmosphere. Synth, sound design & rhythm @ 0'39.
weather report industry confident daytime TV
weather report,industry,confident,daytime TV,unifying,sequencing,corporate (all),driving,building,atmospheric,dreamy,uplifting,happy & joyful,instrumental,medium,main version
D |
110 |
Title :
A Breath of Fresh Air
Composer(s) :
Lucas Napoleone
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
A Clever Mind [CEZ4339 - 13]
0 |
2'31 |
Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand
Unifying, progressive & confident. Piano, synth, sound design & ...
Unifying, progressive & confident. Piano, synth, sound design & rhythm @ 1'20.
arts & crafts confident unifying sequencing
arts & crafts,confident,unifying,sequencing,glockenspiel,atmospheric,corporate (all),crescendo,driving,building,mechanical,instrumental,fast,main version
D |
128 |
Composer(s) :
Gabriel Saban - Philippe Briand
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
A Flaw in the System [CEZ4339 - 14]
0 |
2'42 |
Gregory Cotti
Neo-classical music. Determined & confident. Break @ 1'42 & piano ...
Neo-classical music. Determined & confident. Break @ 1'42 & piano theme @ 2'00. Orchestra, piano & sequencing.
strict relentless politics building
strict,relentless,politics,building,unifying,industry,jerky,science,atmospheric,corporate (all),anticipation,inexorable,mechanical,panoramic,sequencing,string section,acoustic piano,instrumental,fast,main version
Cm |
100 |
Title :
A Flaw in the System
Composer(s) :
Gregory Cotti
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Lights in the Tunnel [CEZ4339 - 15]
0 |
2'30 |
Gregory Cotti
Cold, synthetic & atmospheric. Synth, piano @ 1'06 & sound design. |
science steady electro organic patient
science,steady,electro organic,patient,atmospheric,cyclic,industry,relentless,beds,wandering,cold,strict,synthesizer,mechanical,acoustic piano,delicate,instrumental,medium,main version
Cm |
105 |
Title :
Lights in the Tunnel
Composer(s) :
Gregory Cotti
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur
Distorted Image [CEZ4339 - 16]
0 |
2'18 |
Lucas Napoleone
Atmospheric, organic & suspended atmosphere. Synth. |
science industry suspended atmosphere atmospheric
science,industry,suspended atmosphere,atmospheric,hypnotic,synthesizer,beds,arpeggio,relentless,cold,mysterious,electro organic,patient,cyclic,high-pitched,instrumental,medium,strict,main version
Gm |
86 |
Composer(s) :
Lucas Napoleone
Release date :
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur