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Political Focus

The glittering prizes. Public destiny and private lives in victory and defeat.

Suggested albums

Album Title Alt. Duration Compo/Artist Description Keywords Key BPM
CEZ4208 Citizen Ship
[CEZ4208 - 1]
0 2'05 Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand Exhilarating & urgent. Piano & strings. corporate convention unifying opening credits TV politics ... Fm 140
CEZ4208 Electoral Victory
[CEZ4208 - 2]
0 1'42 Sophia Domancich Unifying & panoramic. Piano & strings. corporate convention unifying neo-classical music politics ... C 112
CEZ4208 Women in Power
[CEZ4208 - 3]
1 2'20 Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand Exhilarating & powerful. Piano & strings. sport event uplifting unifying corporate (all) ... Em 128
CEZ4208 Women in Power 2
[CEZ4208 - 18]
0 1'50 Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand Neoclassical. Urgent & exhilarating. String orchestra. corporate convention unifying opening credits TV neo-classical music ... Em 128
CEZ4208 The Prize
[CEZ4208 - 4]
0 1'28 Jérôme Lemonnier Exhilarating & moving. Piano & strings. unifying airy corporate convention neo-classical music ... Eb 85
CEZ4208 Party Manager
[CEZ4208 - 5]
0 2'02 Baptiste Thiry Urgent & obstinate. String orchestra. driving fiery neo-classical music urgent ... Bm 98
CEZ4208 Universal Suffrage
[CEZ4208 - 6]
1 2'07 Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand Urgent & positive. String orchestra & percussion. corporate convention unifying urgent opening credits TV ... Cm 90
CEZ4208 Universal Suffrage 2
[CEZ4208 - 19]
0 2'07 Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand Neoclassical. Solemn & urgent. String orchestra. corporate convention unifying neo-classical music string orchestra ... Cm 90
CEZ4208 The Electoral Map
[CEZ4208 - 7]
0 2'49 Eric Lohrer Determined & obstinate. String orchestra, piano & synth. corporate video politics catchy relentless ... Eb 110
CEZ4208 Political Activist
[CEZ4208 - 8]
0 1'24 Jérôme Lemonnier Dramatic & determined. String orchestra. investigation politics chase catchy ... Em 136
CEZ4208 Televised Debate
[CEZ4208 - 9]
0 1'47 Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand Powerful & determined. String orchestra & percussion. news urgent fiery opening credits TV ... Gbm 150
CEZ4208 The Cut and Thrust
[CEZ4208 - 10]
0 1'41 Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand News. Positive & determined. Strings & percussion. fiery news corporate video opening credits TV ... Cm 105
CEZ4208 All Bets Are Off
[CEZ4208 - 11]
0 1'19 Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand Positive & determined. Strings & percussion. news fiery opening credits TV neo-classical music ... Dm 125
CEZ4208 Electoral Campaign
[CEZ4208 - 12]
1 2'13 Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand Serious & determined. Strings, piano, synth & percussion. catchy corporate video fiery opening credits TV ... Cm 112
CEZ4208 Electoral Campaign 2
[CEZ4208 - 20]
0 2'04 Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand Neoclassical. Determined & serious. String orchestra. corporate convention opening credits TV neo-classical music string orchestra ... C 112
CEZ4208 Democracy On the Move
[CEZ4208 - 13]
1 2'17 Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand Obstinate & serious. Constant progression. Strings & percussions. corporate video fiery opening credits TV politics ... Cm 90
CEZ4208 Democracy On the Move 2
[CEZ4208 - 21]
0 2'11 Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand Neoclassical. Obstinate & serious. proud corporate video neo-classical music politics ... Gm 178
CEZ4208 Leafleting
[CEZ4208 - 14]
0 2'44 Thierry Caroubi Obstinate & cyclic. Symphony orchestra. confident relentless corporate video symphony orchestra ... G 120
CEZ4208 Leadership Contest
[CEZ4208 - 15]
0 2'06 Gabriel Saban, Philippe Briand Serious & tense. String orchestra, piano & percussion. opening credits TV investigation politics chaotic ... Dbm 120
CEZ4208 Gerrymandering
[CEZ4208 - 16]
0 2'45 Eric Lohrer Obstinate & cyclic. Strings, snare drum & piano. relentless industry politics strict ... Dbm 113
CEZ4208 Skulduggery
[CEZ4208 - 17]
0 2'05 Benoit Cimbé Cyclic & tense. Constant progression. Strings, piano, synth & ... corporate video strict relentless fiery ... Dm 100
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