La Bendecida [CEZ4345 - 1]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Mexican corrido / narcocorrido (polka rhythm). Animated & bouncy. ...
VERSE 1Muchas quieren estar a su altura. y seguir sin duda sus pasos De su vida la gente murmura, pues la reina no se mide en gastos Trabajando gané mi fortuna,dice ella cuando está tomandoTiene un rostro y cuerpo escultural y lo adorna con prendas muy finas, en carros finos se le ve pasar, lo mas bajo es una limosina "Bendecida" se sabe llamarante todo aquel que la critica.CHORUS"Bendecida" por el gran señor el le ha dado todito el sustento, lo ha logrado con mucha pasión, pasión, amor e invirtiendo tiempo El que diga que no tengo razón, tiene envidia por no vivir bueno.VERSE 2Nadie hable de la "bendecida" mujer buena, hermosa y luchadora, aunque ella vive muy tranquila porque todos los hombres la adoran Por su carisma y forma tan linda de tratarlos... que buena persona.El que quiera un beso su boca debe tener un nivel bien alto, no se mete con cualquier persona pues lo bueno siempre sale caro Ahí les dejo el relato mis compas del milagro pero no del santo
corrido norteño sung in Spanish male singer
corrido ,norteño ,sung in Spanish ,male singer ,happy & joyful ,small ensemble ,tex mex ,chromatic accordion ,country ball ,Song and theme ,confident ,kitsch & cheesy ,polka ,bouncy ,danceable ,clumsy ,rhythm section ,lively ,fiery ,acoustic ,folk ball ,carefree ,fast ,main version
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
La Bendecida Underscore 1 [CEZ4345 - 11]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore / backing track. Mexican corrido / narcocorrido (polka ...
Underscore / backing track. Mexican corrido / narcocorrido (polka rhythm). Animated & bouncy. Accordion, bajo sexto (norteno guitar), and rhythm. Norteno style.
norteño beds corrido happy & joyful
norteño ,beds ,corrido ,happy & joyful ,bouncy ,tex mex ,chromatic accordion ,country ball ,confident ,kitsch & cheesy ,small ensemble ,polka ,danceable ,clumsy ,rhythm section ,lively ,fiery ,acoustic ,folk ball ,carefree ,instrumental ,fast ,alternate version
Title :
La Bendecida Underscore 1
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
La Bendecida Underscore 2 [CEZ4345 - 12]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore / backing track. Mexican corrido / narcocorrido (polka ...
Underscore / backing track. Mexican corrido / narcocorrido (polka rhythm). Animated & bouncy. Bajo sexto (norteno guitar), and rhythm. No accordion. Norteno style.
norteño beds corrido happy & joyful
norteño ,beds ,corrido ,happy & joyful ,bouncy ,tex mex ,country ball ,confident ,kitsch & cheesy ,small ensemble ,polka ,acoustic guitar ,danceable ,clumsy ,rhythm section ,lively ,fiery ,acoustic ,folk ball ,carefree ,instrumental ,fast ,alternate version
Title :
La Bendecida Underscore 2
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Máscara del Diablo [CEZ4345 - 2]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Mexican corrido valseado / narcocorrido (waltz rhythm). Lively & ...
VERSE 1Tengo en mi mente un corrido y se los vengo a cantar, ha muchos ha sucedido no se los voy a negarY aunque me llamen bandido no me he de avergonzar.La vida que yo me he dadoentre lujos y placeres, cualquier anhela tenerla pues me sobran las mujeres Tengo en todas mis caletas un santo que las proteje.CHORUS 1Por eso muchos me llaman jefe, porque me deben respeto guardar Aunque se que por bandido un día me van a matar.VERSE 2El amuleto que cargo es de pocas baterías, cuando se acaben me llegan toditos los policías o si no me tira al agualos que en mi mesa comían.Esta vida que escogido l a disfruto por momentos hoy puedo estar muy tranquilo y mañana estar muerto Disfruto cada momento, con los malos y los buenosCHORUS 2Tengo muy claro cuál va a ser mi fin por eso gozo y disfruto a diario Siempre me hizo feliz la máscara del diablo
norteño corrido sung in Spanish happy & joyful
norteño ,corrido ,sung in Spanish ,happy & joyful ,tex mex ,swaying ,male singer ,kitsch & cheesy ,clumsy ,small ensemble ,waltz ,chromatic accordion ,country ball ,Song and theme ,confident ,danceable ,carefree ,rhythm section ,acoustic ,folk ball ,medium ,main version
Title :
Máscara del Diablo
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Máscara del Diablo Undercore ...
Máscara del Diablo Undercore 1
[CEZ4345 - 13]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore / backing track. Mexican corrido valseado / narcocorrido ...
Underscore / backing track. Mexican corrido valseado / narcocorrido (waltz rhythm). Lively & swaying. Accordion, bajo sexto (norteno guitar), and rhythm. Norteno style.
happy & joyful beds swaying corrido
happy & joyful ,beds ,swaying ,corrido ,kitsch & cheesy ,clumsy ,norteño ,small ensemble ,chromatic accordion ,country ball ,tex mex ,waltz ,confident ,danceable ,carefree ,rhythm section ,acoustic ,folk ball ,instrumental ,medium ,alternate version
Title :
Máscara del Diablo Undercore 1
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Máscara del Diablo ...
Máscara del Diablo Underscore 2
[CEZ4345 - 14]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore / backing track. Mexican corrido valseado / narcocorrido ...
Underscore / backing track. Mexican corrido valseado / narcocorrido (waltz rhythm). Lively & swaying. Bajo sexto (norteno guitar), and rhythm. No accordion. Norteno style.
happy & joyful beds swaying corrido
happy & joyful ,beds ,swaying ,corrido ,kitsch & cheesy ,clumsy ,norteño ,small ensemble ,chromatic accordion ,country ball ,tex mex ,waltz ,confident ,danceable ,carefree ,rhythm section ,acoustic ,folk ball ,instrumental ,medium ,alternate version
Title :
Máscara del Diablo Underscore 2
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Tanto Amor [CEZ4345 - 3]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Mexican pop / corrido / country. Warm & sentimental. Male singer, ...
VERSETe llevaste un corazón en tu equipaje, tu boleto fueron las lágrimas míasMi cariño te esperaba en un paraje más de nada sirvió pues no llegarías.PRE CHORUSTantas prometas que hicimos Tanto amor que nos juramos En la nada se han perdidoy solo en cenizas quedaronCOROPara que sirvió entregarte tanto amor, si le pusiste frontera al corazón No me digas que me amas por favor, pues te alejas ignorando tanto amor.VERSE 1Te llevaste un corazón en tu equipaje, tu boleto fueron las lágrimas mías.PRE CHORUS CHORUS
norteño corrido world pop sung in Spanish
norteño ,corrido ,world pop ,sung in Spanish ,sentimental ,country ball ,male singer ,kitsch & cheesy ,small ensemble ,chromatic accordion ,Song and theme ,carefree ,brass section ,confident ,rhythm section ,bouncy ,folk ball ,lively ,B movie ,acoustic ,danceable ,pedal steel guitar ,fast ,main version
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Tanto Amor Underscore 1 [CEZ4345 - 15]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore / backing-track. Mexican pop / corrido / country. Warm & ...
Underscore / backing-track. Mexican pop / corrido / country. Warm & sentimental. Bajo sexto (norteno guitar), accordion, trumpet & rhythm. Norteno style.
norteño beds corrido sentimental
norteño ,beds ,corrido ,sentimental ,world pop ,country ball ,kitsch & cheesy ,small ensemble ,chromatic accordion ,carefree ,brass section ,confident ,rhythm section ,bouncy ,folk ball ,lively ,B movie ,acoustic ,danceable ,pedal steel guitar ,instrumental ,fast ,alternate version
Title :
Tanto Amor Underscore 1
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Tanto Amor Underscore 2 [CEZ4345 - 16]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore / backing track. Mexican pop / corrido / country. Warm & ...
Underscore / backing track. Mexican pop / corrido / country. Warm & sentimental. Bajo sexto (norteno guitar), trumpet & rhythm. No accordion. Norteno style.
norteño beds bouncy sentimental
norteño ,beds ,bouncy ,sentimental ,everyday life ,world pop ,corrido ,acoustic guitar ,carefree ,kitsch & cheesy ,open air ,trot ,country ball ,confident ,small ensemble ,lively ,rhythm section ,folk ball ,B movie ,acoustic ,danceable ,instrumental ,fast ,alternate version
Title :
Tanto Amor Underscore 2
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Tanto Amor Underscore 3 [CEZ4345 - 17]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore / backing track. Mexican pop / corrido / country. Warm & ...
Underscore / backing track. Mexican pop / corrido / country. Warm & sentimental. Bajo sexto (norteno guitar) & rhythm. No accordion, no trumpet. Norteno style.
norteño beds bouncy sentimental
norteño ,beds ,bouncy ,sentimental ,everyday life ,world pop ,corrido ,acoustic guitar ,carefree ,kitsch & cheesy ,open air ,country ball ,confident ,small ensemble ,lively ,rhythm section ,folk ball ,B movie ,acoustic ,danceable ,instrumental ,fast ,alternate version
Title :
Tanto Amor Underscore 3
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Tres tiros [CEZ4345 - 4]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Mexican corrido alterado / narcocorrido (waltz rhythm). Lively & ...
VERSE 1Es un señoron bueno para el tiro, respeto a montón siempre le han tenidoJefes colombianos y de la región y hasta americanos,se sirven de el hoyCHORUSCuando en el pueblo se escuchan 3 tiros sonar, es porque está celebrando que le acaba de atinar a otro de sus mandados.VERSE 2En su cinturón lleva su pistola y su cargador va lleno de sobraInfringir la ley siempre le da igual no le asusta ya ningun federalCHORUS 2Cuando en el pueblo se escuchan 3 tiros quemar ya sabe toda mi gente que acaba de concretar algo el famoso pariente
norteño corrido sung in Spanish happy & joyful
norteño ,corrido ,sung in Spanish ,happy & joyful ,tex mex ,country ball ,swaying ,male singer ,oom-pah ,kitsch & cheesy ,small ensemble ,waltz ,chromatic accordion ,Song and theme ,confident ,danceable ,carefree ,clumsy ,rhythm section ,tuba ,folk ball ,acoustic ,medium ,main version
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Tres Tiros Underscore [CEZ4345 - 18]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore / backing track. Mexican corrido alterado / Narcocorrido ...
Underscore / backing track. Mexican corrido alterado / Narcocorrido (waltz rhythm). Lively & confident. Accordion, bajo sexto (norteno guitar) tuba & rhythm.
norteño beds country ball corrido
norteño ,beds ,country ball ,corrido ,happy & joyful ,swaying ,oom-pah ,kitsch & cheesy ,small ensemble ,tex mex ,waltz ,chromatic accordion ,confident ,danceable ,folk ball ,carefree ,clumsy ,rhythm section ,tuba ,acoustic ,brass band ,instrumental ,medium ,alternate version
Title :
Tres Tiros Underscore
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Una Noche [CEZ4345 - 5]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Mexican bolero / pop. Romantic & sentimental. Male singer, accordion ...
VERSENo se si tu amor pronto volverá No se si algún día vuelva a sentir tu piel Se que el tiempo no se detendrá Mil horas pronto me van alejar de tiTal vez nunca vuelva a saber de ti Pero anclado tu recuerdo se quedará Tus besos, tu dulce forma de amar Dime si el corazón te puede esperar.CORORegalame una noche donde solo sean testigos la luna y las estrellas Quédate conmigo Una noche adornada con la esencia de tus besos Quedarás en mi grabada aunque te vayas lejosNo será tan fácil verte partir Quisiera que te quedaras juntito a mi Haré un camino de amor por si tu algún día decides volver mi cielo azul.
corrido bolero sentimental sung in Spanish
corrido ,bolero ,sentimental ,sung in Spanish ,carefree ,kitsch & cheesy ,norteño ,male singer ,small ensemble ,chromatic accordion ,country ball ,Song and theme ,confident ,danceable ,relaxed ,swaying ,exotic ,rhythm section ,B movie ,acoustic ,folk ball ,medium ,sensual ,main version
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Una Noche Underscore 1 [CEZ4345 - 19]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore / backing track. Mexican bolero / pop. Romantic & ...
Underscore / backing track. Mexican bolero / pop. Romantic & sentimental. Accordion & rhythm. Norteno style.
corrido sentimental bolero carefree
corrido ,sentimental ,bolero ,carefree ,kitsch & cheesy ,norteño ,chromatic accordion ,country ball ,confident ,acoustic guitar ,small ensemble ,danceable ,relaxed ,swaying ,exotic ,pedal steel guitar ,rhythm section ,B movie ,acoustic ,folk ball ,instrumental ,medium ,sensual ,alternate version
Title :
Una Noche Underscore 1
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Una Noche Underscore 2 [CEZ4345 - 20]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore / backing track. Mexican bolero / pop. Romantic & ...
Underscore / backing track. Mexican bolero / pop. Romantic & sentimental. No accordion. Norteno style.
corrido sentimental bolero carefree
corrido ,sentimental ,bolero ,carefree ,kitsch & cheesy ,norteño ,country ball ,confident ,acoustic guitar ,small ensemble ,danceable ,relaxed ,swaying ,exotic ,pedal steel guitar ,rhythm section ,B movie ,acoustic ,folk ball ,instrumental ,medium ,sensual ,alternate version
Title :
Una Noche Underscore 2
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Tu Traición [CEZ4345 - 6]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Mexican bolero / ballad. Tender & sentimental. Male singer, bajo ...
VERSE 1Robaste mi fiel corazón y así te adueñaste de mi no imaginé que tu ibas hacerme sufrir más no voy a morirHoy quiero calmar el dolor con unos tragos de licorme embriagaré por ti Voy ahogar esta ilusiónme olvidaré de tiCHORUSDuele tu maldita traición pero le pido a Dios que no te hagan lo mismo No te guardo rencorsi se quiere se olvida mis penas ahogare con el tequilaVERSE 2Cuando se ama de verdad el corazón no mira a quien se entrega sin pensar que pronto va a padecerpor culpa de un quererCHORUS 2Duele tu maldita traición pero le pido a Dios que no te hagan lo mismo No te guardo rencorsi se quiere se olvida mis penas ahogare con el tequila
kitsch & cheesy corrido bolero sentimental
kitsch & cheesy ,corrido ,bolero ,sentimental ,sung in Spanish ,carefree ,norteño ,country ball ,male singer ,small ensemble ,relaxed ,chromatic accordion ,Song and theme ,confident ,tex mex ,danceable ,swaying ,rhythm section ,brass section ,acoustic ,folk ball ,medium ,sensual ,main version
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Tu Traición Underscore 1 [CEZ4345 - 21]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore / backing track. Mexican bolero / ballad. Tender & ...
Underscore / backing track. Mexican bolero / ballad. Tender & sentimental. Bajo sexto (norteno guitar), accordion, brass section & rhythm. Norteno style.
kitsch & cheesy bolero corrido sentimental
kitsch & cheesy ,bolero ,corrido ,sentimental ,country ball ,carefree ,norteño ,beds ,chromatic accordion ,small ensemble ,relaxed ,confident ,tex mex ,danceable ,brass section ,swaying ,acoustic guitar ,rhythm section ,folk ball ,acoustic ,instrumental ,medium ,sensual ,alternate version
Title :
Tu Traición Underscore 1
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Tu Traición Underscore 2 [CEZ4345 - 22]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore / backing track. Mexican bolero / ballad. Tender & ...
Underscore / backing track. Mexican bolero / ballad. Tender & sentimental. Bajo sexto (norteno guitar), brass section & rhythm. No accordion. Norteno style.
beds corrido bolero norteño
beds ,corrido ,bolero ,norteño ,kitsch & cheesy ,small ensemble ,relaxed ,sentimental ,country ball ,confident ,acoustic guitar ,carefree ,tex mex ,swaying ,danceable ,rhythm section ,folk ball ,sensual ,acoustic ,instrumental ,medium ,alternate version
Title :
Tu Traición Underscore 2
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Tu Traición Underscore 3 [CEZ4345 - 23]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore / backing track. Mexican bolero / ballad. Tender & ...
Underscore / backing track. Mexican bolero / ballad. Tender & sentimental. Bajo sexto (norteno guitar) & rhythm. No accordion & no brass section. Norteno style.
beds corrido bolero norteño
beds ,corrido ,bolero ,norteño ,kitsch & cheesy ,small ensemble ,relaxed ,sentimental ,country ball ,confident ,acoustic guitar ,carefree ,tex mex ,swaying ,danceable ,rhythm section ,folk ball ,sensual ,acoustic ,instrumental ,medium ,alternate version
Title :
Tu Traición Underscore 3
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Author(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Feria de Pueblo [CEZ4345 - 7]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Norteno huapango in a banda style. Mexican / tex mex music. Fiery & ...
Norteno huapango in a banda style. Mexican / tex mex music. Fiery & animated. Banda brass band, rhythm & accordion.
huapango festive country ball old-fashioned
huapango ,festive ,country ball ,old-fashioned ,celebration ,kitsch & cheesy ,norteño ,carnival ,confident ,danceable ,carefree ,clumsy ,naive ,small ensemble ,funny ,blooper ,corrido ,lively ,brass band ,funfair ,fiery ,rhythmic ,bouncy ,brass section ,tex mex ,chromatic accordion ,folk ball ,cyclic ,rhythm section ,acoustic ,instrumental ,fast ,main version
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Nachos and Cheese [CEZ4345 - 8]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Instrumental Mexican kitsch corrido / in a banda style. Joyful & fun. ...
Instrumental Mexican kitsch corrido / in a banda style. Joyful & fun. Banda brass section, rhythm & tuba. Acoustic guitar solo.
clumsy norteño corrido kitsch & cheesy
clumsy ,norteño ,corrido ,kitsch & cheesy ,happy & joyful ,brass band ,brass section ,blooper ,small ensemble ,funny ,country ball ,interiors & cooking ,swaying ,flamenco guitar ,rhythm section ,tex mex ,tuba ,oom-pah ,acoustic ,folk ball ,instrumental ,medium ,B movie ,main version
Title :
Nachos and Cheese
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Nachos and Cheese Underscore [CEZ4345 - 24]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore. Mexican kitsch corrido in a banda style. Joyful & fun. ...
Underscore. Mexican kitsch corrido in a banda style. Joyful & fun. Rhythm & tuba. No banda brass section & no acoustic guitar solo.
clumsy happy & joyful kitsch & cheesy norteño
clumsy ,happy & joyful ,kitsch & cheesy ,norteño ,beds ,blooper ,corrido ,brass band ,interiors & cooking ,small ensemble ,funny ,animation & cartoons ,country ball ,tuba ,swaying ,comical ,oom-pah ,flamenco guitar ,rhythm section ,tex mex ,B movie ,folk ball ,acoustic ,instrumental ,medium ,alternate version
Title :
Nachos and Cheese Underscore
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Nachos and Cheese Alternate [CEZ4345 - 25]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore. Mexican kitsch corrido in a banda style. Joyful & fun. ...
Underscore. Mexican kitsch corrido in a banda style. Joyful & fun. Rhythm & tuba. No acoustic guitar solo.
clumsy happy & joyful kitsch & cheesy norteño
clumsy ,happy & joyful ,kitsch & cheesy ,norteño ,beds ,blooper ,corrido ,brass band ,interiors & cooking ,small ensemble ,funny ,animation & cartoons ,country ball ,tuba ,swaying ,comical ,oom-pah ,flamenco guitar ,rhythm section ,tex mex ,B movie ,folk ball ,acoustic ,instrumental ,medium ,alternate version
Title :
Nachos and Cheese Alternate
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Nachos and Cheese Alternate ...
Nachos and Cheese Alternate Short
[CEZ4345 - 26]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore, commercial lenght. Instrumental Mexican kitsch corrido in ...
Underscore, commercial lenght. Instrumental Mexican kitsch corrido in a banda style. Joyful & fun. Banda brass section, rhythm & tuba. Acoustic guitar solo.
norteño corrido clumsy happy & joyful
norteño ,corrido ,clumsy ,happy & joyful ,kitsch & cheesy ,brass band ,brass section ,blooper ,small ensemble ,funny ,country ball ,interiors & cooking ,swaying ,flamenco guitar ,rhythm section ,tex mex ,tuba ,oom-pah ,acoustic ,folk ball ,instrumental ,medium ,B movie ,alternate version
Title :
Nachos and Cheese Alternate Short
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Pal Norte [CEZ4345 - 9]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Instrumental mix of norteno / banda / ranchera Mexican & reggaeton. ...
Instrumental mix of norteno / banda / ranchera Mexican & reggaeton. Dancing & bouncy. Brass section, accordion, bajo sexto (norteno guitar), tuba & rhythm.
kitsch & cheesy festive reggaeton country ball
kitsch & cheesy ,festive ,reggaeton ,country ball ,corrido ,danceable ,norteño ,carefree ,coastline ,small ensemble ,open air ,bouncy ,confident ,exotic ,celebration ,brass section ,chromatic accordion ,oom-pah ,clumsy ,rhythm section ,B movie ,acoustic ,instrumental ,medium ,main version
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Pal Norte Underscore [CEZ4345 - 27]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore. Instrumental mix of norteno / banda / Mexican ranchera & ...
Underscore. Instrumental mix of norteno / banda / Mexican ranchera & reggaeton. Dancing & bouncy. Bajo sexto (norteno guitar), tuba & rhythm. No brass section, no accordion.
festive country ball kitsch & cheesy beds
festive ,country ball ,kitsch & cheesy ,beds ,danceable ,coastline ,reggaeton ,celebration ,carefree ,open air ,bouncy ,confident ,exotic ,norteño ,tuba ,corrido ,oom-pah ,clumsy ,small ensemble ,rhythm section ,brass hits ,electric guitar ,B movie ,acoustic ,instrumental ,medium ,alternate version
Title :
Pal Norte Underscore
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Country Cumbia [CEZ4345 - 10]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Instrumental blend of country and cumbia texana music. Dancing & ...
Instrumental blend of country and cumbia texana music. Dancing & swaying. Rhythm section, accordion, electric guitar & banjo.
cumbia country ball festive danceable
cumbia ,country ball ,festive ,danceable ,coastline ,norteño ,chromatic accordion ,lively ,carefree ,small ensemble ,open air ,rhythmic ,bouncy ,swaying ,confident ,corrido ,celebration ,happy & joyful ,everyday life ,banjo ,exotic ,tex mex ,rhythm section ,cavalcade ,acoustic ,instrumental ,medium ,main version
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Country Cumbia Underscore 1 [CEZ4345 - 28]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore. Instrumental blend of country and cumbia texana music. ...
Underscore. Instrumental blend of country and cumbia texana music. Dancing & swaying. Rhythm section, electric guitar & banjo. No accordion.
country ball festive beds cumbia
country ball ,festive ,beds ,cumbia ,danceable ,coastline ,lively ,carefree ,norteño ,open air ,rhythmic ,bouncy ,confident ,corrido ,celebration ,happy & joyful ,small ensemble ,everyday life ,exotic ,electric guitar ,tex mex ,rhythm section ,cavalcade ,acoustic ,instrumental ,medium ,alternate version
Title :
Country Cumbia Underscore 1
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Country Cumbia Underscore 2 [CEZ4345 - 29]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore. Instrumental blend of country and cumbia texana music. ...
Underscore. Instrumental blend of country and cumbia texana music. Dancing & swaying. Rhythm section & electric guitar. No banjo, no accordion.
country ball festive beds cumbia
country ball ,festive ,beds ,cumbia ,danceable ,coastline ,lively ,carefree ,norteño ,open air ,rhythmic ,bouncy ,confident ,corrido ,celebration ,happy & joyful ,small ensemble ,everyday life ,exotic ,electric guitar ,tex mex ,rhythm section ,cavalcade ,acoustic ,instrumental ,medium ,alternate version
Title :
Country Cumbia Underscore 2
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing
Country Cumbia Alternate Short [CEZ4345 - 30]
Sr Ortegon , Stan Galouo
Underscore, commercial lenght. Instrumental blend of country and ...
Underscore, commercial lenght. Instrumental blend of country and cumbia texana music. Dancing & swaying. Rhythm section, electric guitar, accordion & banjo.
cumbia country ball festive danceable
cumbia ,country ball ,festive ,danceable ,coastline ,norteño ,chromatic accordion ,lively ,carefree ,small ensemble ,open air ,rhythmic ,bouncy ,swaying ,confident ,corrido ,celebration ,happy & joyful ,everyday life ,banjo ,exotic ,tex mex ,rhythm section ,cavalcade ,acoustic ,instrumental ,medium ,main version
Title :
Country Cumbia Alternate Short
Composer(s) :
Norbert Galouo - José Miguel Ortegon Tovar
Album :
Mexico Norteño. Sr Ortegon
Release date :
Performed by :
Sr Ortegon - Stan Galouo
Publisher(s) :
Frederic Leibovitz Editeur - Palmacoco Publishing