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Luca Marenzio: Il pastor fido

Suggested albums

Album Title Versions Duration Compo/Artist Description Keywords Key BPM
CLA1814 Quell'augellin che canta
[CLA1814 - 1]
0 2'02 Luca Marenzio Confident & mystic. Alto, bass, soprano, tenor and arpa doppia. Lyrics confident Renaissance music (1400-1600) mystical strict ... G 140
CLA1814 Cruda Amarilli, che col nome ...
[CLA1814 - 2]
0 4'33 Luca Marenzio Serious & solemn. Alto, bass, soprano, tenor and lute. Lyrics strict confident Renaissance music (1400-1600) mystical ... Am 65
CLA1814 Deh, poi ch'era ne' fati ...
[CLA1814 - 3]
0 1'36 Luca Marenzio Solemn & delicate. Alto, bass, soprano, tenor and lute. Lyrics solemn strict alto (vocal) bass (vocal) ... Em 70
CLA1814 O fido, o caro Aminta
[CLA1814 - 4]
0 2'57 Luca Marenzio Rigorous & solemn. Alto, bass, soprano, tenor and chamber orchestra. strict solemn alto (vocal) bass (vocal) ... Am 70
CLA1814 Deh, Tirsi mio gentil, non ...
[CLA1814 - 5]
0 2'39 Luca Marenzio Mystic & patient. Bass, soprano, tenor and lute. mystical Renaissance music (1400-1600) patient strict ... D 119
CLA1814 O dolcezze amarissime d'amore
[CLA1814 - 6]
0 5'08 Luca Marenzio Mystic & solemn. Alto, bass, tenor and harp. mystical strict solemn alto (vocal) ... Am 68
CLA1814 Ah, dolente partita!
[CLA1814 - 7]
0 2'04 Luca Marenzio Peaceful & patient. Tenor and lute. peaceful Renaissance music (1400-1600) patient strict ... Em 90
CLA1814 O Mirtillo, Mirtillo, anima ...
[CLA1814 - 8]
0 2'54 Luca Marenzio Calm & mystic. Alto, bass, soprano, tenor and harp. mystical patient Renaissance music (1400-1600) strict ... Am 68
CLA1814 Deh, Tirsi, Tirsi, anima mia, ...
[CLA1814 - 9]
0 3'23 Luca Marenzio Solemn & rigorous. Alto, bass, tenor, lute and harp. solemn Renaissance music (1400-1600) mystical strict ... Bm 62
CLA1814 Arda pur sempre o mora
[CLA1814 - 10]
0 2'05 Luca Marenzio Solemn & peaceful. Alto, bass, soprano, tenor and harpsichord. solemn confident Renaissance music (1400-1600) peaceful ... Am 151
CLA1814 Com'é dolce il gioire, o ...
[CLA1814 - 11]
0 2'41 Luca Marenzio Serious & confident. Alto, bass, soprano, tenor and harp. strict confident Renaissance music (1400-1600) solemn ... Dm 67
CLA1814 Tirsi mio, caro Tirsi
[CLA1814 - 12]
0 2'35 Luca Marenzio Rigorous & solennel. Alto, bass, soprano, tenor and harpsichord. Renaissance music (1400-1600) strict solemn confident ... Dm 152
CLA1814 Care mie selve, a Dio!
[CLA1814 - 13]
0 4'34 Luca Marenzio Patient & solemn. Alto, bass, soprano, tenor and lute. patient Renaissance music (1400-1600) strict solemn ... Dm 72
CLA1814 Se tu dolce mio ben mi ...
[CLA1814 - 14]
0 8'51 Luca Marenzio Solemn & peaceful. Alto, soprano, harp, lute and viola da gamba. solemn Renaissance music (1400-1600) mystical peaceful ... D 65
CLA1814 Anima cruda sì, ma però ...
[CLA1814 - 15]
0 1'51 Luca Marenzio Rigorous & mystic. Alto, bass, soprano, tenor and harpsichord. strict Renaissance music (1400-1600) mystical solemn ... Dm 76
CLA1814 Ombrose e care selve
[CLA1814 - 16]
0 2'28 Luca Marenzio Serious & confident. Alto, bass, soprano, tenor and chamber ... strict confident Renaissance music (1400-1600) mystical ... Dm 136
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