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Keywords :

Album Title Alt. Duration Compo/Artist Description Keywords Key BPM
CCB1030 The Old Banger
[CCB1030 - 18]
0 2'48 Gilles Maugenest Funny & eccentric. Pizz, accordion, Theremin, Rhodes & rhythm. kitsch & cheesy everyday life chromatic accordion pets ... Ebm 106
CCB1030 Tiny Ballerinas
[CCB1030 - 19]
0 2'01 Gilles Maugenest Childish & tender. Music box, piano, viola, chime & bass. lullaby musical box tender moving ... Ab 98
CEO2059 Sur le Champs de Bataille
[CEO2059 - 1]
2 3'41 Jérôme Lemonnier Tragic, dark & poignant. Orchestra with timpany. destiny original score moving string orchestra ... Gbm 100
CEO2059 Sur le Champs de Bataille 2
[CEO2059 - 14]
0 2'00 Jérôme Lemonnier Sad & sentimental. Constant crescendo. 2nd theme @ 1'38. Piano, ... destiny string orchestra tragic desolate ... Dbm 65
CEO2059 Sur le Champs de Bataille 3
[CEO2059 - 15]
0 1'29 Jérôme Lemonnier Emotional, romantic & passionate. Classical solo piano. destiny passionate acoustic piano natural disaster ... Am 86
CEO2059 Jeu de Rôle
[CEO2059 - 2]
0 3'30 Jérôme Lemonnier Fatal & tragic. Piano solo & orchestra with timps @ 0'57. suspended atmosphere calm solemn original score ... Am 65
CEO2059 La Passion de Mathieu
[CEO2059 - 3]
4 1'44 Jérôme Lemonnier Peaceful but moody & dreamlike. Orchestra with French horn & clarinet. suspended atmosphere sad intermittent introspective ... Am 60
CEO2059 La Passion de Mathieu 2
[CEO2059 - 16]
0 1'48 Jérôme Lemonnier Tragic, poignant & inexorable. String orchestra. original score tragic suspended atmosphere solemn ... Em 108
CEO2059 La Passion de Mathieu 3
[CEO2059 - 17]
0 1'30 Jérôme Lemonnier Tragic & solemn. Solo piano. sad calm destiny intimate ... Em 117
CEO2059 La Passion de Mathieu 4
[CEO2059 - 18]
0 0'54 Jérôme Lemonnier Sad & restrained. Piano & viola duet. suspended atmosphere intermittent romantic music tragic ... Am 69
CEO2059 La Passion de Mathieu 5
[CEO2059 - 19]
0 2'04 Jérôme Lemonnier Emotional, sparse & poignant. Orchestra with piano. sad original score intermittent moving ... Em 76
CEO2059 Activités Nocturnes
[CEO2059 - 4]
0 1'44 Jérôme Lemonnier Emotional, undulating & delicate. Classical solo piano. passionate undulating acoustic piano tormented ... Am 91
CEO2059 Une Soirée au Manoir
[CEO2059 - 6]
0 1'23 Jérôme Lemonnier Suspended, resonating and sparse. Solo piano. calm suspended atmosphere introspective desolate ... Cm 107
CEO2059 Mère et Fils
[CEO2059 - 7]
0 0'54 Jérôme Lemonnier Moving, romantic & sensitive. Classical solo piano. passionate arts romantic music 19th century ... Dbm 114
CEO2059 Pris au Piège
[CEO2059 - 8]
0 2'06 Jérôme Lemonnier Suspense, threatening & tragic. Orchestra with piano & timpany. ... disturbing film noir crime movie inexorable ... Am 65
CEO2059 Souvenir d'Enfance
[CEO2059 - 9]
0 1'59 Jérôme Lemonnier Sensitive, delicate & sparse. Piano, clarinet & string orchestra. psychological drama moving anticipation suspended atmosphere ... Bm 111
CEO2059 A la Frontière du Réel
[CEO2059 - 10]
0 1'51 Jérôme Lemonnier Peaceful but with a worrying touch. Orchestra & whistled melody (I ... suspended atmosphere paranormal psychotic hypnotic ... Gbm 81
CEO2059 Etude pour Piano
[CEO2059 - 11]
0 2'58 Jérôme Lemonnier Charming, refined & tender in a baroque mood. Classical solo piano. acoustic piano 18th century confident arts ... A 164
CEO2059 La Bataille de l'Aube
[CEO2059 - 12]
0 1'39 Jérôme Lemonnier Anticipating, worrying & obstinate. Solo piano & strings @ 1'04 & ... psychotic suspense crescendo cyclic ... Abm 165
CEO2059 Dîner-Concert
[CEO2059 - 13]
0 1'47 Jérôme Lemonnier Romantic & passionate. Classical solo piano. romantic music acoustic piano passionate arpeggio ... Eb 147
CEZ4322 Capering Dance
[CEZ4322 - 1]
0 2'08 Eric Gemsa, Bernard Rabaud Galop. XIXth century. Joyful & dancing. Small instrumental ensemble. galop (dance) ballroom dancing retro cabaret 19th century ... F 130
CEZ4322 Honky Tonk Rag
[CEZ4322 - 2]
0 1'29 Eric Gemsa Ragtime. Joyful & bouncy. Solo honky tonk piano. honky-tonk piano jazz ragtime silent movie retro cabaret ... G 117
CEZ4322 Mississipi Belle
[CEZ4322 - 3]
0 2'18 Eric Gemsa, Dominique Vernhes XIXth century. Carefree & jazzy. Tempo slowing down @ 1'15. Honky ... retro cabaret North America silent movie carefree ... Dm 145
CEZ4322 Old Time Square Dance
[CEZ4322 - 4]
0 2'09 Eric Gemsa, Bernard Rabaud Square dance. Dancing & joyous. Small instrumental ensemble. square dance retro cabaret 19th century North America ... Bb 162
CEZ4322 Bottle Top Rag
[CEZ4322 - 5]
1 2'01 Eric Gemsa Ragtime. Joyful & bouncy. honky tonk piano & washboard. jazz ragtime retro cabaret silent movie honky tonk ... Eb 125
CEZ4322 Bottle Top Rag 2
[CEZ4322 - 18]
0 1'45 Eric Gemsa Ragtime. Joyful & bouncy. Solo honky Tonk piano. jazz ragtime retro cabaret silent movie honky tonk ... Eb 124
CEZ4322 Merry Go Round Waltz
[CEZ4322 - 6]
0 2'39 Eric Gemsa Western waltz. Old-fashioned & dreamy. Honky tonk piano & violin. ballroom dancing honky-tonk piano 19th century North America ... C 163
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