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Keywords :

Album Title Alt. Duration Compo/Artist Description Keywords Key BPM
ISC022 Undercover Killer
[ISC022 - 5]
1 2'22 Zoltan Zadori Dark Underscore. Low, ominous, strange, menacing & eerie. Synth, ... scary horror investigation sinister ... Cm 72
ISC022 Undercover Killer Alternate
[ISC022 - 15]
0 2'22 Zoltan Zadori Alternate no percussion. scary horror investigation sinister ... Cm 72
CEZ4530 Alpine Grandeur
[CEZ4530 - 1]
2 2'24 Alexandre J Maurer Opening. Majestic, panoramic, solemn & exhilarating. Alphorn, ... Alpine music panorama solemn Switzerland ... F 93
CEZ4530 Alpine Grandeur Alternate 1
[CEZ4530 - 17]
0 2'24 Alexandre J Maurer Majestic, panoramic, solemn & exhilarating. Alphorn, hexenscheit, ... Alpine music panorama solemn Switzerland ... F 106
CEZ4530 Alpine Grandeur Alternate 2
[CEZ4530 - 18]
0 2'24 Alexandre J Maurer Majestic, panoramic, solemn & exhilarating. Alphorn, hexenscheit, ... Alpine music panorama solemn Switzerland ... C 89
MAG6081 The Encounter
[MAG6081 - 1]
1 3'33 Woodini Cinematic electro, cinematic pop. Magical intro then determined & ... nocturnal relaxed arty pop ballad ... Em 86
MAG6081 The Encounter Alternate
[MAG6081 - 9]
0 2'59 Woodini Instrumental version. confident nocturnal relaxed pop ballad ... Em 85
MAG6081 A New Shelter
[MAG6081 - 7]
1 2'12 Woodini Lyrics ... Electro pop. Pensive, resilient & arty. Electric guitar, male singer ... electro pop romance sentimental teen drama ... Dm 122
MAG6081 A New Shelter Alternate
[MAG6081 - 15]
0 2'12 Woodini Instrumental version. electro pop teen drama introspective arty ... Dm 122
CEO2143 Preying on Weakness
[CEO2143 - 7]
0 1'59 Baptiste Charvet Sad, desolate & fatal. Piano, strings, clarinet, percussion & cello. ... tragic original score historical conflict desolate ... Am 90
CEO2143 Mind Manipulation
[CEO2143 - 13]
0 1'25 Baptiste Charvet Insidious, heady, psychotic & dramatic. Low synth sequence, ... original score historical conflict insidious relentless ... E 80
MAG6078 The Real and the Unreal
[MAG6078 - 3]
1 3'49 RARI Electro, synthwave. Mysterious, magical & cyclic. Constant ... radiant synthesizer arpeggiator cybernetics ... Bbm 90
MAG6078 The Real and the Unreal ...
[MAG6078 - 11]
0 5'01 RARI Alternate extended version. synthesizer arpeggiator cybernetics radiant ... Bbm 89
CEZ4532 Up Your Game
[CEZ4532 - 3]
1 2'40 Vermair Electro beat, electro-dance. Powerful, joyful, positive, catchy & ... confident driving electro beat lively ... Am 100
CEZ4532 Up Your Game Alternate
[CEZ4532 - 17]
0 2'40 Vermair Alternate no vocal sample. electro beat lively catchy driving ... Am 100
CEZ4532 Hey You
[CEZ4532 - 8]
1 2'59 Rémo Electro-dance. Repetitive, upbeat, tough, striking, fast & ... driving Electro dance (all) lively fashion ... Em 115
CEZ4532 Hey You Alternate
[CEZ4532 - 20]
0 2'59 Rémo Alternate no vocal sample. driving Electro dance (all) lively fashion ... Em 115
CEZ4532 Action Addict Alternate
[CEZ4532 - 18]
0 2'38 Rémo Alternate no vocal sample. driving confident celebs upbeat electro ... Em 161
CET9070 Bug Band
[CET9070 - 8]
2 2'13 Gabriel Saban, Gregory Cotti Big-band jazz trailer in a vintage rock 'n' roll mood. Fiery, ... driving lively fiery happy & joyful ... Am 172
CET9070 Bug Band Alternate 1
[CET9070 - 29]
0 2'17 Gabriel Saban, Gregory Cotti Alternate version without trailer sound. Big-band jazz in a vintage ... driving lively fiery happy & joyful ... Am 172
CET9070 Bug Band Alternate 2
[CET9070 - 30]
0 2'13 Gabriel Saban, Gregory Cotti Alternate version without trailer sound & without drums. Big-band ... driving lively fiery happy & joyful ... D 172
CEZ4533 What-If Mill
[CEZ4533 - 3]
2 2'19 Louis Edlinger Underscore/bed. Organic electro. Light tension. Cyclic, tinkling, ... steady cybernetics patient cyclic ... Fm 80
CEZ4533 What-If Mill Alternate 1
[CEZ4533 - 23]
0 2'19 Louis Edlinger Minimalist alternate version. Percussion & sound-design only. steady cybernetics investigation patient ... Fm 162
CEZ4533 What-If Mill Alternate 2
[CEZ4533 - 24]
0 2'19 Louis Edlinger Minimalist alternate version. Piano & loop like mill only. cyclic interrogative contemporary series steady ... Fm 107
CEZ4533 Endless Research
[CEZ4533 - 8]
2 2'20 Louis Edlinger Underscore/bed. Light tension. Organic, mysterious, hypnotic, ... cybernetics science hypnotic investigation ... Fm 70
CEZ4533 Endless Research Alternate 1
[CEZ4533 - 33]
0 2'15 Louis Edlinger Minimalist alternate version. Synth FX modulation & light percussion ... investigation hypnotic electro organic suspense ... Bb 140
CEZ4533 Endless Research Alternate 2
[CEZ4533 - 34]
0 2'21 Louis Edlinger Minimalist alternate version. Hook & light percussion only. science patient suspense beds ... Fm 140
CEG5034 Things are Getting Worse
[CEG5034 - 17]
0 1'58 Thomas Lucas Nervous, anxious, mechanical, industrial & menacing. Robot-like @ ... relentless inexorable disturbing drone ... G 120
CET9071 Tactical Unit
[CET9071 - 1]
1 2'01 Salvador Casais Trailer track. Aggressive, violent, scary, disturbing, toxic, ... trailer aggressive & violent cinematic scary ... Db 140
CET9071 Tactical Unit Alternate
[CET9071 - 11]
0 2'01 Salvador Casais Alternate without percussion. trailer aggressive & violent cinematic scary ... Db 140
CEZ4522 Prime Suspect's Residence
[CEZ4522 - 2]
0 3'19 La Hase Film music from the 70s. Enigmatic, nocturnal, mysterious & ... 1970 French cinema film noir crime movie ... A 100
CEZ4522 Movie Score Theme
[CEZ4522 - 3]
0 3'21 Initials Mb Film music from the 70s. Narrative, analogic & discontinued. ... 1970 Film Score (all) B movie old-fashioned ... Cm 91
CEZ4522 Panic
[CEZ4522 - 7]
0 2'12 La Hase Film music from the 70s. Urgent, tense, cinematic, intense & ... driving relentless chase suspense ... Gbm 172
ISC020 Twist Ending
[ISC020 - 10]
1 2'10 Gabriel Saban, Jérémy Dirat, Thomas Duran Neo-classical / narrative. Confident, determinate, crescendo, serious ... historical movie building cinematic destiny ... Cm 82
ISC020 Twist Ending Alternate
[ISC020 - 20]
0 2'10 Gabriel Saban, Jérémy Dirat, Thomas Duran Alternate no perc. building cinematic driving historical movie ... Cm 164
CEZ4531 Inspiring Delight
[CEZ4531 - 5]
0 2'26 Louis Edlinger, Andreas Suttner Bed. neutral, light, luminous, tingling & easy-going. Electronics & ... carefree luminous human resources confident ... D 116
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