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Keywords :

Album Title Alt. Duration Compo/Artist Description Keywords Key BPM
CEO2151 Los Altiplanos
[CEO2151 - 5]
0 2'19 Baptiste Thiry Reflective, suspended, walking & melancholic. Spanish guitar ... introspective peaceful tracking shot calm ... Dm 116
CEO2151 Pachacamac
[CEO2151 - 6]
0 1'54 Baptiste Thiry Mysterious, percussive, epic & adventurous. Charango, guitar, ... disturbing mysterious cinematic anticipation ... Gm 122
CEO2151 Thirst for Conquest
[CEO2151 - 7]
0 2'25 Baptiste Thiry Enigmatic & expectant introduction. Riser @ 0'37 then powerful & ... disturbing adventure cinematic warlike ... Bm 88
CEO2151 Antique Temples
[CEO2151 - 9]
0 2'10 Baptiste Thiry Ancestral, tribal, bewitching & percussive. Ethnic & cinematic ... lost civilizations natural disaster mysterious historical narrative ... Bm 93
CEO2151 The Fall of an Empire part 1
[CEO2151 - 13]
0 1'04 Baptiste Thiry Sudden, mysterious & narrative. Percussions, siku (Andean pan flute) ... historical narrative lost civilizations mysterious narrative ... Em 108
CEO2151 Fatal Battle
[CEO2151 - 15]
0 1'35 Baptiste Thiry Dark, narrative & tragic. Violent & hammered @ 0'56. Percussions, ... epic powerful & imposing cinematic warlike ... Gm 152
CEZ4577 Chase on the Ring Road
[CEZ4577 - 4]
0 2'48 Pura Pura UK electronica, d'n'b. Narrative, hypnotic & inexorable. Synth & ... electronica social drama hypnotic nocturnal ... Am 123
CEZ4577 Dans la Nuit
[CEZ4577 - 5]
0 2'48 DoubtingThomas Electronica, downtempo. Nocturne, dreamlike & mechanical. Metallic ... downtempo social drama introspective nocturnal ... Am 111
CEZ4577 Return from the Inner World
[CEZ4577 - 15]
0 1'55 Vincent Leibovitz Electronica. Obstinate, mysterious & disturbing. Filtered intro & ... cybernetics electronica disturbing action movie ... Cm 132
CEC8038 Rocking Youth in Japan
[CEC8038 - 1]
0 1'52 Zhang Hao, Zhao Junrui Mix of neo-metal & traditional Asian instruments. Urgent & nervous ... anime & manga (Japan) Japan kung fu video game ... Em 142
CEC8038 The Yokai and the Guitarist
[CEC8038 - 3]
1 1'51 Zhang Hao, Zhao Junrui Mix of rock fusion & traditional Asian instruments. Imposing & ... anime & manga (Japan) action movie action game extreme & fighting sport ... Dm 90
CEC8038 The Yokai and the Guitarist ...
[CEC8038 - 11]
0 1'50 Zhang Hao, Zhao Junrui Alternate version without fx. anime & manga (Japan) action movie action game extreme & fighting sport ... Dm 90
CEC8038 Lengendary Samouraï
[CEC8038 - 6]
0 2'03 Zhang Hao, Zhao Junrui Mix of hard rock and traditional Asian instruments. Calm ... anime & manga (Japan) cinematic rock trailer action movie ... Em 120
CEC8039 Street of Solitude
[CEC8039 - 2]
0 2'32 Zhang Hao, Zhao Junrui Suspended, melancholic & introspective. Cinematic electric guitars & ... social drama panorama panoramic atmospheric ... Bm 110
CEC8039 Solo Driving
[CEC8039 - 6]
1 2'06 Zhang Hao, Zhao Junrui Pensive, inspirationam & panoramic. Cinematic electric guitars with ... atmospheric calm introspective panorama ... Gbm 105
CEC8039 Solo Driving Alternate
[CEC8039 - 13]
0 2'06 Zhang Hao, Zhao Junrui Alternate version without wind fx. atmospheric calm introspective panorama ... Gbm 105
CEC8039 Fragments of Yesterday
[CEC8039 - 8]
1 2'14 Zhang Hao, Zhao Junrui Contemplative, tender, introspective & panoramic. Electric guitar ... Southeast Asia panorama panoramic atmospheric ... Em 103
CEC8039 Fragments of Yesterday ...
[CEC8039 - 11]
0 2'14 Zhang Hao, Zhao Junrui Alternate version without breathing fx. Southeast Asia panorama panoramic post-rock ... Em 103
CEC8039 Highway at Nightfall
[CEC8039 - 9]
1 2'07 Zhang Hao, Zhao Junrui Airy, bright & dreamy. Cinematic electric guitar with reverb & delay ... panorama dreamy atmospheric confident ... Em 81
CEC8039 Highway at Nightfall Alternate
[CEC8039 - 12]
0 2'07 Zhang Hao, Zhao Junrui Alternate version without percussion fx. panorama dreamy atmospheric confident ... Em 81
CEZ4575 The Dust and the Sweat
[CEZ4575 - 1]
1 1'40 Julien Vega Cinematic opening / Western Americana. Suspenseful, arid & dusty ... adventure cinematic western driving ... Dm 92
CEZ4575 The Dust and the Sweat ...
[CEZ4575 - 18]
0 1'40 Julien Vega Alternate without choir. western cinematic panoramic trailer ... Dm 92
CEZ4575 Shoot Fast Ride Hard
[CEZ4575 - 8]
0 1'26 Thierry Caroubi Cinematic / Western Americana. On the hunt, in pursuit, determined, ... adventure cinematic epic action movie ... Dbm 135
CEZ4575 The Great Plains
[CEZ4575 - 12]
3 2'09 Baptiste Thiry Cinematic / Great Spaces. Peaceful intro evolving with strings, banjo ... panorama majestic panoramic tracking shot ... D 86
CEZ4575 The Great Plains Alternate 1
[CEZ4575 - 29]
0 2'08 Baptiste Thiry Alternate without percussion. panorama majestic panoramic adventure ... D 86
CEZ4575 The Great Plains Alternate 2
[CEZ4575 - 30]
0 2'09 Baptiste Thiry Alternate without strings. panorama majestic panoramic adventure ... Dm 86
CEZ4575 The Great Plains Alternate 3
[CEZ4575 - 31]
0 2'08 Baptiste Thiry Alternate without percussion & strings. panorama majestic panoramic adventure ... D 86
CEZ4550 Down Town Stroll - Quartet ...
[CEZ4550 - 2]
0 2'21 Eric Lohrer Modern jazz in the spirit of the 60s. Medium swing. Confident, classy ... modern jazz jazz club confident jazz guitar ... Bb 164
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