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Clair Obscur: Oeuvres du 16e et du 17e siècle pour flûte et orgue

Charlotte Schneider and Guy-Baptiste Jaccottet have been exploring since 2017 the multiple sounds offered by their combined instruments. These curious and playful musicians explore a repertoire stretching from the 16th to the 18th century, transcribing and arranging pieces for their duo. As a result, their music lies at the crossroads of historically informed performance practice and the concrete reality of instruments and places.

Suggested albums

Album Title Versions Duration Compo/Artist Description Keywords Key BPM
CLA3065 Sonata Seconda
[CLA3065 - 1]
0 5'50 Dario Castello Baroque music. Sonata. Recorder and organ duet. recorder church organ baroque music (1600-1750) peaceful ... Am 63
CLA3065 Pulchra es amica mea
[CLA3065 - 2]
0 5'35 Giovanni Pierluigi Palestrina, Francesco Rognoni Renaissance music. Madrigal. Duo Traverso & Organ. traverso church organ suspended atmosphere Renaissance music (1400-1600) ... Am 65
CLA3065 The Galliarde to the Third ...
[CLA3065 - 3]
0 1'34 William Byrd Baroque Music. Gaillarde. Duo Recorder & Organ. recorder church organ baroque music (1600-1750) 17th century ... Am 114
CLA3065 Doen Daphne d’over schoone ...
[CLA3065 - 4]
0 6'20 Jacob Van Eyck Variations on popular and religious tunes. Tenor flute. Tenor Flute dreamy 17th century baroque music (1600-1750) ... G 111
CLA3065 Toccata Seconda
[CLA3065 - 5]
0 4'05 Michelangelo Rossi Prebaroque keyboard repertoire. Organ. church organ destiny art acoustic ... Am 108
CLA3065 Sonata Cu Cu
[CLA3065 - 6]
0 5'54 Johann Heinrich Schmelzer Baroque Sonata. Sopranino flute & Organ. recorder church organ high-pitched baroque music (1600-1750) ... D 62
CLA3065 Capriccio sopra il Kuku
[CLA3065 - 7]
0 3'13 Johann Caspar Kerll Flute and organ duet. recorder church organ 17th century baroque music (1600-1750) ... D 114
CLA3065 Sonata Seconda
[CLA3065 - 8]
0 6'53 Johann Heinrich Schmelzer Baroque Sonata. Sopranino flute & Organ. recorder church organ high-pitched baroque music (1600-1750) ... Am 62
CLA3065 Wat zalmen op den Avond doen
[CLA3065 - 9]
0 5'12 Jacob Van Eyck Variations on popular and religious tunes. Recorder. Tenor Flute 17th century baroque music (1600-1750) pastoral ... G 148
CLA3065 Toccata Settima
[CLA3065 - 10]
0 4'49 Michelangelo Rossi Prebaroque keyboard repertoire. Organ. church organ destiny art acoustic ... Dm 113
CLA3065 Sonata Prima
[CLA3065 - 11]
0 5'14 Dario Castello Baroque music. Sonata. Recorder and organ duet. recorder church organ baroque music (1600-1750) high-pitched ... Am 99
CLA3065 Io son ferito ahi lasso
[CLA3065 - 12]
0 7'41 Giovanni Pierluigi Palestrina, Francesco Rognoni Renaissance music. Madrigal. Duo Traverso & Organ. traverso church organ suspended atmosphere Renaissance music (1400-1600) ... Dm 62
CLA3065 The Galliarde to the Fifte ...
[CLA3065 - 13]
0 1'36 William Byrd Gaillarde. Recorder & Organ. recorder church organ baroque music (1600-1750) 17th century ... A 109
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