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Présences d'Esprits - Andy EMLER

Juxtaposing two big bands of today's French music scene, with a miraculous female vocalist, was a mind-challenging formula for rich, dynamic union. Beyond genres, idioms and sounds, beyond the written and the improvised, they were a brilliant collective body of instrumentalists with whom I enjoyed creating this work for a novel and exceptionnal musical ensemble.

Suggested albums

Album title Versions duration compo/artist description keywords Key BPM
SIG11090 Le Principe d'Archimeg
[SIG11090 - 1]
0 14'05 Archimusic, Elise Caron, Le Megaoctet Interrogative & changing. Jazz band. free jazz changing handclap interrogative ... Ebm 126
SIG11090 Mirrors (dédié à Joe ...
[SIG11090 - 2]
0 6'34 Archimusic, Elise Caron, Le Megaoctet Progressive & unclassifiable. Jazz band. free jazz unclassifiable contemporary jazz building ... Ebm 100
SIG11090 Un Certain Malaise 3
[SIG11090 - 3]
0 9'43 Andy Emler Unstable & desolate. Jazz band. free jazz contemporary jazz unstable changing ... Abm 126
SIG11090 Un Certain Malaise 4
[SIG11090 - 4]
0 8'33 Archimusic, Elise Caron, Le Megaoctet Sudden & jerky. Jazz band. free jazz contemporary jazz jerky unclassifiable ... Em 130
SIG11090 Finally Closing
[SIG11090 - 5]
0 10'27 Archimusic, Le Megaoctet Changing & parodic. Jazz band. contemporary jazz free jazz interrogative parodic ... Abm 137
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