Relax & Carefree

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What could be nicer than sitting quietly in a bistro with a drink in your hand or lounging in a hammock on a summer’s day?

We’re just relaxed, peaceful…

There’s something positive and above all indolent about what we call ‘relaxed’ music: pleasure without brutality, without nerves, without any tension whatsoever, even positive tension.

On the other hand, when Cézame is carefree, the music is often faster and more lively. For those who have a few years of music theory behind them (ouch!), there are a few dotted/double eighth notes in these pieces, which give a hopping effect.

A few examples in music:

L’Apéro – Pierre-André Athané

Listen to “L’apéro” on Cézame

Oui Mais Oui! – Pierre Blanchard

Listen to ‘Oui mais Oui!’ on Cézame