Cine-Retro: Bruno Alexiu x Romy Schneider

Take a shot of French Cinema Nostalgia with this excerpt of Serge Bromberg’s documentary film Henri Georges Clouzot’s Inferno. These poetic footages are taken from rushes of the film begun by Henri-Georges Clouzot in 1964, along with Bruno Alexiu’s fabulous ’60s & jazzy-inspired original score.

A dramatic shoot

First, a little background: after a difficult shooting (ending with the director’s heart attack), the movie is dropped. The film’s images, described as magnificent, were to lie dormant for over fifty years before being unearthed. The original script was based on a story of jealousy, where the man played by Serge Reggiani is plagued by progressive hallucinations involving his wife, portrayed by Romy Schneider. The directing team uses kinetic art, op art and electroacoustic music to portray the husband’s escalating madness on screen. In this excerpt, you can appreciate Romy Schneider’s classy, captivating acting performance as well as the camera work: truly iconic, and beautifully enhanced by Bruno Alexiu’s original score.

Bruno Alexiu 60’s original score
Listen and sync the album L’Enfer d’Henri-Georges Clouzot – Original score by Bruno Alexiu Want to sync more similar content? Discover our French Cinema Nostalgia playlist.